Monday, April 28, 2014


Back in Daleville,Va. Took a week off the trail after being sick at Four Pines Hostel on Easter. Didn't like the way I felt and lost way to much weight(40 lbs). Decided on the spur of the moment to attend the retreat in Key West. Rented a car here and drove to Floida last Tuesday. Stopped in Cape Canaveral to surprise Mike Y. and Jimmy H. Had a wonderful two days there with them relaxing on the beach and eating at nice restaurants. Got to see Trish and Michelle and spend some quality time catching up on what's new. Left there Thursday for the retreat. Couldn't find a room in Key West so the campground at the retreat was home for the weekend. Greg offered his home, where Sue and Mike stayed but the campground worked fine. Saw Mike and Sue, Matthew and Kim walking toward the Anchors Away Meeting around 8:15. They were on the other side of Virginia St. and I heard Sue say that looks like Bob over there, even the same type hat. That's when I turned and said it is Bob. We had a good laugh. Nice retreat with good speakers, lots of Michigan support, good food and even time for rest. Drove back to Va. yesterday and will be back on trail tomorrow. More pics to come.


  1. That's awesome! Glad you are feeling better and having a great time!

  2. Well glad you got a bit of a break ! Love reading your posts the girls ask about you often and Stella has kept your phrase " you want to go to the moon " hugs !

  3. You were a wonderful surprise!!! It was really nice catching up. Enjoy your journey through gods country. Eat bugs and berries so you stay fattened up ������ safe travels my friend
