Sunday, March 16, 2014


After staying in Robbinsville one night I hitched hiked back to the trail head the next morning. Slack packed(no pack) to yellow creek gap where Jeff from the Hike Inn picked me up. They provide a room and a ride into town to resupply. Had a food drop mailed there and ended up staying two days. Slack packed again the next day from Yellow Creek Gap to Fontana Dam, the opening to GSMNP(Great Smokie Mtn National Pk). On Wednesday morning with my pack full of food I entered the GSNP. It was overcast with misty rain. The higher up the mountain the harder the rain came down. By the time I got up to Mollie Ridge Shelter(10 mi) it was so clouded the shelter was almost invisible from the trail. The temperature fell that night and we woke up to 4 inches of fresh snow. From there it only got worse, more snow, rough walking conditions with snow covered rocks and a slippery trail. Made it to Derrick Knob Shelter(13.7 mi). Cold,soaked and bruised toes from kicking invisible rocks under the snow covered trail there was comfort in the zero degree sleeping bag. Got up after 12 hours in the warm bag,ate and walked to Mt. Collins Shelter(12 mi). At that pion there was only 5 miles left until getting off the trail to civilization. Couldn't sleep well that night because there was a father and two sons who hiked there from the trailhead(5 mi) and the father was having trouble breathing while his one son decided to drink scotch and the other son smoked his weed. They were from Garden City Mi. Instead of finishing there planned hike they turned back the next morning. The 5 miles out to the trailhead was a breeze this morning. Came off the trail and there were lots of people in the parking area, visitors,day hikers, and trail angels. One of the trail angels approached with a cold soda and a offer of a ride to town(Gatlinburg 15 mi).  They are past through hikers who give back and don't expect anything in return. (12 Step). We talked about the conditions, the hike over Clingmans Dome, the highest point on the trail(6655ft). Got dropped off in Gatlinburg and everything seemed to be moving to fast, back to reality, to many people,cars moving fast. Got a nice room at the Hampton on main st. Went to pick up my food box at the Outfitter, ate some real food(Bar B Q) and did A.A. Mtg. What a life!!!!!!


  1. Looking like this is not just a walk in the park!!! Keep it up Bob we are all proud of you!!!

  2. Hey Papa, hope you're having a great time, love you����

  3. Looks like some rough road! The girls and I were happy to hear from you :) hope you get some R&R at the Hampton. I always look forward to reading the next blog and seeing the pics. Lots of love, talk to you soon, xoxo

  4. Beautiful!!! Sounds a little rough,but then again mpst good things that we really want takes some/alot of effort. I know how much you want this experience and the hard work pnly makes it that much better. I know that you are loving every single step you take on this journey,thank you for allowing us to get a small taste of this journey with you! Love ya,keep on trekking.

  5. Wow! Just Wow...... enough said, keep enjoying it, it is a God thing for sure, for you and for us who get to participate through this blog.

  6. Looks like your doing good have fun enjoy the woods luv jimmy and kids

  7. Hey Bob, trying to see if this works. I am trying to hook Mike to comment on your blog. Happy 1st Day of Spring!

  8. Glad to see you are still hanging in there Bob, what an inspiration you are to us all. Proud of you! Looking forward to your next posts.
