Wednesday, February 26, 2014

3 Days Inn

Sitting here at Neel's Gap Hostel. Left Springer Mtn three days ago. Walked8 8 miles the first day. Ended up in Hawk Mtn Shelter with two other hikers. Left there Tuesday morning early and hiked to Woody Gap, 12 miles and stayed at Hikers Hostel. Very accommodating, extremely clean, friendly and terrific breakfast. Got dropped off this morning at Woody Gap and hiked to Neel's  Gap. The Mountains here are steep, with lots of rocks and roots. More to come...

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Last supper

The night before leaving, just left Union Lake Mtg. A group of close friends invited me to dinner and presented me with kind words of encouragement and cake. They will all be in my heart.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Two weeks until Departure

11 Food boxes done. Should be good for the first third of trail. The other half that said I wouldn't make it is gone, left
after Xmas. Harley, my dog is staying with her so he will have a good home. Thomas P. has volunteered to drive me to Springer Mtn. in two weeks. The house is up for sale along with the motorcycle  good time to start over.